Unimod A1: Assembling

De WikiRobotics
Revisión del 01:30 20 feb 2011 de Obijuan (Discusión | contribuciones) (Step 4: Screw the MY1 module to the Skycube board)

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Unimod type A1 (click to enlarge)


Unimod is the minimal module capable of oscillating autonomously. To assembly the following parts are needed:

  • A MY1 module fully assembled (Assembly instructions)
  • A Skycube board
  • A flat battery pack for 4 AAA batteries ready to use (Instructions)
  • The part D
  • 4 male/female spacers. Size M3, length 12mm
  • 4 spacers (female/female). size M3, length 10mm
  • 8 M3 bolts. Length: 6mm
  • 8 M3 falt head bolts. Length: 8mm.
  • 2 tuercas M3
Beginning: Parts needed to assembly UNIMOD type A1 (Click to enlarge)
End: Unimod type A1 already assembled (Click to enlarge)


Step 0: Remove the paint from the inside of the Part B drills (Optional)

As was done when assembling the MY1 modules, optionally the paint in the part B drills can be removed. This way, the bolts are inserted smoothly in the drills.

Removing the paint in the Part D drills (Click to enlarge)
Part D without paint in the drills (Click to enlarge)

Step 1: Place the male/female spacers in the part D

Part D next to the 4 male/female spacers and 4 bolts (Click to enlarge)
Placing one spacer (Click to enlarge)
A spacer screwed to the part D (Click to enlarge)
The 4 spacers placed (Click to enlarge)

Step 2: Screw the battery pack to the part D

  • Place the flat head bolts in the battery pack drills
Battery pack, part D with the spacers, two flat head drills and two nuts (Click to enlarge)
Inserting one bolt in the battery pack drill (Click to enlarge)
The two bolts placed in the battery pack (Click to enlarge)
Battery pack bottom view, with the bolts inserted (Click to enlarge)
  • Place the battery pack under the part D and place the nuts
Icono aviso.png IMPORTANT! Respect the battery pack orientation in reference to part D. The part D is not simetric.

Place the battery pack in the bottom of the part D. Respect the same orientation shown in the picture!! (Click to enlarge)
Battery pack screwed to part D (Click to enlarge)

Step 3: Screw the Skycube board to the part D

Icono aviso.png IMPORTANT! Place the Skycube board in the same orientation shown in the picture: the red switch must point in the same direction than the battery pack wire
Skycube board, part D with the battery pack attached and 4 female/female spacers (Click to enlarge)
Skycube board on top of part D. The same orientation shown in the pictures must be used! (Click to enlarge)
Skycube board on top of part D, with 4 female/female spacers placed (Click to enlarge)

Step 4: Screw the MY1 module to the Skycube board

Icono aviso.png IMPORTANT! Place the module on top the Skycube board in the same orientation shown in the picture.
Skycube board screwed both to part D and to the battery pack, one MY1 module and 4 bolts (Click to enlarge)
MY1 module on top of Skycube. Respect the same orientation shown in the picture! (Click to enlarge)
Screw the module to the Skycube board (Click to enlarge)

Paso 5: Conectar el servo y la alimentación

  • Conectar el servo a la Skycube, en cualquier de los conectores rectos, correspondientes a los servos 2, 4, 6 u 8. El cable negro del servo tiene que apuntar hacia la parte exterior del módulo
Unimod A1, sin el servo conectado (Click para ampliar)
Conectar el servo, con la misma orientación mostrada en la foto (Click para ampliar)
  • Conectar el portapilas a la Skycube:
Unimod, con servo conectado (Click para ampliar)
Unimod, con Alimentación conectada (Click para ampliar)

Paso 6: Poner las pilas

  • Por último, colocar las 4 pilas AAA en el portapilas y encender Unimod para comprobar que la conexión se ha hecho correctamente. El led rojo de power on se deberá encender.
Unimod con las 4 pilas AAA colocadas (Click para ampliar)
Unimod encendido (Click para ampliar)


Álbum de fotos



  • 28/Febrero/2010: Primera versión terminada
  • 24/Febrero/2010: Comenzada esta página