2009-06-22:Hamburg:Introduction to the locomotion of limbless modular robots

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Revisión del 07:18 22 jun 2009 de Obijuan (Discusión | contribuciones) (Acknowledgement)

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  • Title: "Introduction to the locomotion of limbless modular robots"
  • Speaker: Juan González
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Place: TAMS Group. Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Science. University of Hamburg. Germany
  • Date: Jun, 19th 2009
  • Description: Seminar for the students of the "Modular robotics course"


This talk focused on the locomotion of snake modular robots. First an introduction to the modular robots and the locomotion problem is given. Then the two generations of modules that have been developed is presented. Following, The bio-inspired locomotion controller based on sinusoidal oscillators is described. After that, the locomotion of these robots in 1D and 2D is explained and live demostration are done. Finally some simulations are shown and the conclusion and current work are given.


File Description
2009-06-19-Modular-robotics-open-seminar.pdf Presentation Slides in PDF
2009-06-19-Modular-robotics-open-seminar.odp Presentation slides for OpenOffice


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Some of the videos shown during the talk:


  • Houxiang Zhang, Juan González-Gómez, Jianwei Zhang. "A New Application of Modular Robots on Analysis of Caterpillar-like Locomotion". Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Malaga, Spain, 14-17 April. (PDF)
  • Houxiang Zhang, S.Y. Chen, Juan Gonzalez-Gomez, Jianwei Zhang. "Embedded Intelligent Capability of a Modular Robotic System".Proceeding of IEEE Robio2008, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2008. (PDF)
  • Houxiang Zhang, Juan Gonzalez-Gomez, Zhizhu Xie, Sheng Cheng, Jianwei Zhang. Development of a Low-cost Flexible Modular Robot GZ-I. Proceeding of 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronlics, pp. 223-228, Xi'an, China, 4 - 7 June. (PDF)
  • Juan Gonzalez-Gomez. Modular robotics and locomotion: Application to limbless robots. Ph.D. Dissertation. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. November-2008. (More information)
  • J. Gonzalez-Gomez, Houxiang Zhang and Eduardo Boemo, Locomotion Principles of 1D Topology Pitch and Pitch-Yaw-Connecting Modular Robots. Chapter 24 of the Book: Bioinspiration and Robotics: Walking and Climbing Robots. pp.403-428. Published by Advanced Robotics Systems International and I-Tech Education and Publishing. Vienna, Austria. September 2007. (PDF) (More information)
  • J. González-Gómez, I. González , FJ. Gómez-Arribas and E. Boemo,Evaluation of a locomotion algorithm for worm-like robots on FPGA-embedded processors. In Lecture Notes in computer Science, vol.3985, pp. 24-29. (PDF) (More information)
  • J. Gonzalez-Gomez, Houxiang Zhang, Eduardo Boemo and Jianwei Zhang, Locomotion Capabilities of a Modular Robot with Eight Pitch-Yaw-Connecting Modules,Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots. Clawar06, pp. 150-157. Brussels, September 2006. (PDF) (More information)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez, J. and Boemo, E. Motion of Minimal Configurations of a Modular Robot: Sinusoidal, Lateral Rolling and Lateral Shift, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots. CLAWAR, pp. 667-674. London, September 2005. (PDF) (More information)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez, J, Aguayo E. and Boemo E.,Locomotion of a Modular Worm-like Robot using a FPGA-based embedded MicroBlaze Soft-processor, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR 2004, pp. 869-878, CSIC, Madrid (spain). September, 2004. (PDF) (More information)



  • I would like to thant to Dr. Houxiang Zhang from the TAMS group for inviting me to give this seminar. Thank you very much


  • 22th/Jun/2009: This page is written