Training on modular snake robots

De WikiRobotics
Revisión del 04:08 19 feb 2011 de Obijuan (Discusión | contribuciones) (Programme)

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Day 1

  • Session 1: Introduction
    • About ourselves
    • Introduction to modular robotics
    • Overview of the training on modular snake robots
  • Session 2: Building the MY1 modules
    • All the 30 modules will be built
    • Preparing the battery holders (some cables have to be soldered)
    • Preparing the download cables
    • Building 10 Unimods (Unimod = one module + electronics + batteries)
    • Testing everything

Day 2

  • Session 3: Software installation
    • All the software tools will be installed: PIC C compiler, IDE for programming (Codeblock), Software for downloading (pydownloader)
    • Examples of downloading into the electronics boards
    • "Hello world" programming example: compile, download and test the blinking led program
  • Session 4: Servo controlling
    • Introduction to servo controlling
    • Test the C programs for positioning the servos
    • Control model: Sinusoidal generators
    • Experiment 1: "The big wave". 10 isolated modules on the ground will oscillate generating a wave. The shape of the emerging wave depend on the local oscillator parameters
