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== Links ==
== Links ==
* Raspberry.org: http://www.raspberrypi.org
* Raspberry.org: http://www.raspberrypi.org
* http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Hub
* Raspberry PI documentation: http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Hub
* http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals
* Raspberry PI Low level peripherals (GPIO, I2C, ...): http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals
* http://elinux.org/Rpi_Low-level_peripherals
* Raspberry PI Serial Port: http://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection
* http://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection
== Licencia ==
== Licencia ==

Revisión del 22:47 11 may 2013

Raspberry PI


The scope of this page is to document the Mini-PI robot.

Mini-PI stands off:

  • Mini: The simplest robot: Miniskybot
  • PI: Raspberry-PI: cheapest Linux PC
The intend is to build a robot, very simple, using 3D printer, and  with the Raspeberry-PI as a main processor.

I will start writing here the steps i am following to do it. I have been so many years without building a robot, and now, i feel excited about it. During these years i have been following all Juan's publications, and i will take advantage of all of them: 3D printers, python, Skymega, ...

About me: I am living in California now, that is one of the reasons i am writing this in english, another, is because i would like to present this in my son's school. They knew about my background in robotics and they would like me to present something. They have a strong team in Lego Mindstorms... let's see what i can do!!


The main webs of Raspberry PI are http://www.raspberrypi.org and http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Hub. The board was originally developed as an educational project, and has became very popular during 2012. I recommend to read this note from the authors.

I decided to use it because several reasons:

  • It is cheap
  • It is well documented
  • It is broadly used
  • It has an easy hardware
  • It has a GPIO bus with (IO, I2C, SPI, UART), and of course USB, ETH, ...
  • Supports Debian Linux

So, after having used a lot of embedded kits (TI DMVA2, DM368, Hi3516, Freescale, Versalogic, DM667, ...) i found this kit really interesting for building low cost robotic applications. It took me a while to find the right moment to start, but once i did it, i was surprised about how fast and easy was to set up everything.

I bought the Raspberry-PI here: http://www.alliedelec.com/images/products/mkt/pb/rasp/rasp.aspx

There are two models A and B. In my case i bought the B because i wanted it to have Ethernet on the board. Option A is not a bad idea, for example if you want to have Wifi then, instead of buying the model B that has the ETH, you can buy the model-A (cheaper) and a USB-Wifi-Dongle...

The first thing i did was to flash the SDcard. I followed the following links:

In my case i have used Whezzy as the distribution (the recommended for beginners), and i followed the instructions for MacOS users, and since i am a little bit old i decided to use the command line option. I didn't try the graphical tools, but i am pretty sure that they work and are as easy as the command line method.





Cc logo.png This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Spain License.


  • 11/Mayo/2013: Creation of the page