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(Running the Examples)
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== Running the Examples ==
== Running the Examples ==
=== C++ ===
* [[OpenMR: Running the Examples|Running the Examples]]
* Go to the openmr/examples directory
* Execute cmake
'''cmake .'''
* Compile with make:
* The examples are ready. Try this one:
=== Python ===
* Make sure you have installed OpenRave with Python support
* Go to the openmr/examples directory
* Modify the '''PYTHONPATH''' to include openrave. For example, in my system I should type:
  '''export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/juan/desarrollo/openrave/localinstall/share/openrave'''
* The python examples are ready! You can try this one:
  '''python Test-servocontroller-1.py'''
== Repository ==
== Repository ==

Revisión del 09:18 8 mar 2010

Simulating the locomotion of the Minicube-I modular robot


OpenMR is an OpenRave Modular Robots plug-in for simulating the locomotion of modular robots.

Installation and setup

Running the Examples


svn co http://svn.iearobotics.com/openmr/trunk  openmr


150px This code is under the GPLv3 license


Juan Gonzalez-Gomez



  • 2010/03/08: This page is started