Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obijuan:Tareas pendientes»

De WikiRobotics
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Línea 4: Línea 4:
* Publish the Julian Marín PFC
* Publish the Julian Marín PFC
* Clone wars:
* Clone wars:
** Prepare the new hot-end
** <strike>Prepare the new hot-end</strike>
** Test the new hot-end manually!
** <strike>Test the new hot-end manually!</strike>
** Print the new Wade extruder body
** <strike>Print the new Wade extruder body</strike>
** mount the new Wade extruder
** <strike>mount the new Wade extruder</strike>
** assembly the new extruder
** <strike> assembly the new extruder</strike>
** Test the extruder!!!
** <strike>Test the extruder!!!</strike>
** Print test!
** <strike>Print test!</strike>
** Publish the new R2D2 version (with the new hot-end)
** Publish the new R2D2 version (with the new hot-end)
** Publish the new wiki page for R2D2
** <strike>Publish the new wiki page for R2D2</strike>
** Publish the pronterface + skeinforge 41
** Publish the pronterface + skeinforge 41
** Publish the fake cube example
** Publish the fake cube example

Revisión del 13:47 1 ene 2012


  • Microoscilators: New release with software for ATMEGA
  • Microoscillators: New relesease for the Arduino software
  • Publish the Julian Marín PFC
  • Clone wars:
    • Prepare the new hot-end
    • Test the new hot-end manually!
    • Print the new Wade extruder body
    • mount the new Wade extruder
    • assembly the new extruder
    • Test the extruder!!!
    • Print test!
    • Publish the new R2D2 version (with the new hot-end)
    • Publish the new wiki page for R2D2
    • Publish the pronterface + skeinforge 41
    • Publish the fake cube example
    • Publish the hello world cube (ready for printing!!)
  • Master on robotics: 3D Printed robots! (PrintBot)
  • Robio paper
  • Limited wheels miniskybot
    • Wiki page
      • New parts needed
      • svn, pictures, link to paper...
  • Limited wheels miniskybot in Thingiverse!
  • Page on Snake printbot
  • Test the new repy1 battery holder
  • Print it!
  • Mount Unimod with Repy1
  • Publish printbot Unimod!
  • Upload battery-holder to thingiverse!
  • PrintBot Minicube:
    • Build it
    • wiki page
    • Thingiverse
  • Skymega:
    • Video tutorial: 1: Using the skymega board

  • Add the skymega components to the monolito library

  • Build a Miniskybot with the Skymega
  • Publish the half-circle wheel (wiki and thingiverse)
  • Publish a blog entry about All the printed pieces up to now!
  • Mesh robots II: Node piece!
  • Write documentation on how to build Unimod 2D-B1
  • Write documentation on how to build Minicube-IIA
  • Write documentation on how to build Minicube-IIB
  • Picture of the farm with Cube3 (farm II)
  • Picture of the farm with Minicube-IIA and IIB (Farm III)
  • Fotos montaje Unimod B2
  • Fotos montaje Unimod A2


  • Skymega board:
    • Finish the PCB
    • Give a mini-training to MRGroup
    • Publish the prototype (PCB): blog, pictures
    • Manufacture 100 industrial PCBS
  • Publish Avinash paper on the web/blog (Robocity)
  • Publish the oshw logo wheels! (Sergio vilches)
  • Upload to thingiverse the servo-wheel 3.0
  • Publish Minicube-II
  • Publish Cube3
  • Publish Mini-Skybot v1.0
  • Wiki page on the propusal for the UC3M printer
  • 19/March/2011
  • Publish training on modular robot (saudi arabia)
  • Blog entry: picture with father of C++
  • Blog entry: modular robot training (II)
  • Blog entry: We have the money for the 3D printer!
  • 23/Dec/2010
    • Things to print:
      • 3 green rings
      • 3 blue rings
  • 15/Dic/2010
    • Publish the UC3M formula 1 (by Dani)
    • Publish the captive nut test piece
    • Publish the parameterized battery pack
    • Work on the printable castor wheel (Olalla's design)
    • Integrate the castor wheel in the MiniSkybot

  • 06/Nov/2010
    • Barbie skybot!
  • 04/April/2010
    • Take pictures of Unimod 2D B1
  • 31/March/2010
    • Comenzar página Cube3
    • Montaje de Cube3
    • Fotos montaje Unimod B1
    • Montar Minicube-IIA
    • Montar Minicube-IIB
    • Fotos montaje Minicube-IIA
    • Fotos Montaje Minicube-IIB
  • 19/Dic/2010
    • Things to print:
      • 2 pink MR medals
      • 5 pink stars
      • 6 Blue Skybot wheels
      • 5 blue MR medals
      • 5 blue stars
      • 6 Green skybot wheels
      • 5 green MR medals
      • 5 green stars
      • 6 red skybot wheels
      • 3 red MR medals</strile>
      • <strike>5 red stars
      • 2 red rings

  • 05/Dic/2010
    • Publish the MR logo (by Jon)
    • Publish the parametric-star
    • Print MR logos in all colors!
    • Print starts in all colors!
    • Print MR logos in white for the students (about 10)
    • Design the right baterry pack part for the Mini-skybot
    • Print and test the right batery pack for Mini-Skybot
    • Monolito Kicad Library: Fix it for seeing the 3D shapes with the latest kicad
    • Skypic: Fix it for seing the 3D shapes with the latest kicad
    • Skycube: Idem
  • 31/October/2010
    • Carlos PFC
    • Sintel DVD
    • Talk at UCLM
    • Extruder Mk5!
  • 10/May/2010
    • Publish the wikipage for the students Workshop on modular robots
    • Publish the China trip
    • Publish the Workshop Icra paper (Alaska)

  • 14/April/2010
    • Publish the talk about modular robot given at Hispabot
  • 12/April/2010
    • Publish the slides of the talk about modular robots (High talented students)
  • 30/March/2010
    • Upload the video of the Skybot outtakes to Youtube
    • Blog about the Skybot outtakes :-)

  • 26/March/2010
    • Blog about the modular robots farm. Chapter I: MY1 + Unimod + Minicube-I
    • Write a Blog entry about the "mogollon" constest of my students
    • Write a wiki page for the Robotic lectures (put the pictures)
    • Blog about the Unimod an the latest videos
    • Blog about Open-rave and Stereo view (3D)

  • 22/March/2010
    • Upload the pictures of Unimod to the photo Galery
    • Publish the pictures of Unimod in the Unimod wiki page
    • Upload the videos of Unimod to Youtube (three videos):
      • Downloading firmware to Unimod
      • Two Unimods oscillating at different frequencies
      • Two Unimods oscillating at the same frequency

  • 19/Marzo/2010:
    • Sacar fotos de los 2 unimods
    • Cargar programa de oscilación en Unimod
    • Sacar video
    • Montar un Bimod
    • Sacar fotos de Bimod
    • Programar bimod para que ande
    • Sacar vídeo
    • Montar un Minicube-I
    • Sacar fotos de 2 Minicubes-I
    • Sacar vídeo de 2 Minicubes-I
    • Montar un Cube3
    • <strike>Programar cube 3</strike>
    • <strike>Sacar fotos</strike>
    • <strike>sacar video</strike>
    • <strike>Fotos del montaje de Cube 3</strike>