Juan Gonzalez-Gomez's web page


Contact information

Escuela Politecnica Superior

C/ Francisco Tomas y valiente, 11

28049 Madrid







Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Ph. D. candidate in robotics.


Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Master. Mayor: Computer Science


Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Bachelor. Mayor: Telecomunication and electronics (6 years)

Research topics

Currently I am working on my Ph. D. Dissertation about modular robots and robotics. I have designed a basic module for the construction of several modular robots. Locomotion capabilities of modular robots is another research topic.

The modular robot

Dr. Houxiang Zhang and Juan Gonzalez

[2005]: Minimal configurations in 1D and 2D

[2004]: Pitch-connecting modular robot, composed of 8 linked modules.

[2003]: Basic modules for building modular robots.


Working experience




Sept. 2004 - Present

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Teaching Assistant at the Computer Science Department. Teaching subjects: Mobile Robotics, Digital circuits design, Digital circuits principles and Computer Architecture.

Sept. 2001 – Sept. 2004

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Teaching Assistant at the Communication and Electronic Department. Teaching subjects: Digital Electronic Principles, Computer Architecture and Computer Grounds.

Nov. 2000 – Sept. 2001

Pulsar Technologies (Company)

Development Engineer. Design and construction of micro-controlled based embedded systems, remotely controlled through Internet and SMS.

Sept. 1998-Nov. 2000

Microbotica (Company)

Working in the Research and Development Department. Design of electronic boards for controlling mobile robots

Other relevant information

Hobbies and interests

I am very interested in robotics, not just for working, but for having fun. Also, I like the Open Source applications. All the software I have developed has been released under the GNU GPL license. My favourite operating systems is GNU/Linux.

In my spare time I like reading science fiction books and going to the cinema. Playing tennis, skating and skiing are my favourite sports